Winter Break Message from your Commodore!
I am hoping most of you were well clear of the Winter storm mess that came through the first weekend of January and had not attempted to travel through any of it. A few of us have already escaped to the Caribbean in either their T34Cs, Richard Lariviere in INDIAN SUMMER, or are down there skippering charter boats, Kennon Jones in ALTESSE (what a life style!) From our Facebook page I notice a couple of boats again out on New Years Day, which was awesome.
Some of you are new since my message last Winter. I am sure many of you have also seen my comments on our Facebook group page about all things Tartan 34 Classic, as I am a fixer, cruiser, and racer of my hull #270, Skymark. I have a number of seasons of single-handed cruising in #270 and would be happy to share those experiences with any of you at regional join-ups.
We are continuing to gather new members; 490 some now with well more than 110 active! From responses to my welcome aboards, many of you are finding us through the Facebook page which Richard, a previous Commodore, set up a few years ago. It has been wonderful to follow so many of you in nearly real time, however sad it is to see some going into Winter layup.
Of note for the coming season, Dave Watson, the Regional Captain for the MD/VA/DC area, has graciously volunteered to take over the additional duties of Treasurer for our Association. We will be updating the website with his mailing address information for those who wish to communicate with him via snail mail. I would like to express our gratitude to Marc Gervais, of SV Lucy III, for all of his efforts over the past near decade of service to our organization. He is now more permanently in the cruising mode for the next few years.
As some other clubs have done, we have been sending T34C burgees out to newcomers as they join. As our Treasurer is often either traveling or prepping Lucy III for her next adventure, if for any reason you did not receive one last year or did not receive one after your new membership this year, let us know.That should help distribute some of your dues in a fairly equitable way, and add a quick answer to "what's in it it for me?" question for all of us. Check for a lapel pin attached to the bungee, another little something to show off at your next sailing dress-up party.
Over the years, the association had provided funds to each region for their use in rendezvous's, both by land and sea. Photos and notes from some of those are posted on our web site from past years to give you an idea of what can be done. Some regions have a Winter gathering at a restaurant or pub to plan the season's events, others just opt for a sailing rendezvous in the Summer or Fall. Both can be funded to cover special guest's slip rentals or restaurant deposits, or small tokens of the event; whichever you choose. One of ours was held by the Mid-Atlantic Region in mid-September in Solomons, MD, and is again planned for next September. If any of you are tentatively planning for anything in your regions this Spring or Summer please let us know so we can get the funding to you.
Finally, one of my usual "asks" is: if you all have any ideas on how to keep improving what we can provide to enhance your experience, let us know your thoughts. All inputs would be welcomed!
I look forward to hearing from you this coming year on all of the above.
Cheers and let's again toss some ideas around!
Commodore Tim Dull
SV Skymark #270
Virginia Beach